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Patient on a dexa scan.

What A DEXA Bone Scan Tells You About Your Bone Health

What A DEXA Bone Scan Tells You About Your Bone Health

Regular health screenings are essential for maintaining optimal health, and colon cancer screenings, mammograms, blood tests, and skin cancer screenings are all vital measures for preventing serious diseases or catching them at an early stage. As we age, a DEXA scan can provide valuable insight into our bone health.

Everyday Habits To Reduce Your Risk For Dementia

Everyday Habits To Reduce Your Risk For Dementia

If you have had the devastating experience of watching or caring for a loved one with dementia, you understand the toll it takes on the person and everyone around them. Often referred to as “the long goodbye,” you slowly lose that vibrant person you once knew as their cognitive abilities decline.

Top Diagnostic Imaging Tests to Use When Dealing with Cancer

Top Diagnostic Imaging Tests to Use When Dealing with Cancer

Anyone who is having new or unusual symptoms often worries about the possibility of cancer as the cause. In these cases, the very best scenario is an early diagnosis, which is crucial to prevent the spread of cancerous cells and to increase the chances of success after treatment.

Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

June is Alzheimer’s and brain awareness month. If you have had any experience with a loved one who suffered from Alzheimer’s, you understand the devastating toll it takes on everyone connected with that person. Alzheimer’s awareness month gives us the opportunity to instruct those who are unfamiliar with this disease to be able to recognize its symptoms,


