Got knee pain? Even if you haven’t been seriously injured of late, an MRI may diagnose why your knee hurts all the time or why it still hurts even after knee surgery. Let’s find out all the reasons when to get an MRI for a knee injury.
Value Of An MRI 
When you have a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test, Southwest Diagnostic Imaging Center can get a unique view of your knee’s cartilage, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones. The image can diagnose a medical condition or an injury. They are commonly used to diagnose a torn anterior cruciate ligament or ACL, other damage like a meniscus tear, or to find tumors and infections. Your doctor can then make a decision about treatment.
Common Reasons To Get An MRI For A Knee Injury
Chronic Knee Pain From Arthritis
Arthritis comes from inflammation in the knee. It can develop from trauma, or gradual degeneration of the cartilage within the knee known as osteoarthritis. It can also be caused by an underlying problem like rheumatoid arthritis. It can cause thinning cartilage and rough surfaces, and may even result in loose cartilage floating in the fluid within the knee. All these changes can be seen via an MRI.
Acute Severe Pain
Acute severe pain means it hurts so much you can’t walk, there is a deformity, or your knee is red, hot, and swollen. These symptoms would need an MRI to diagnose the problem.
Pain Lasting Longer Than Three Weeks
If you have been taking anti-inflammatory medications, but your pain has not improved, an MRI will provide more information about why it still hurts.
Additional Reasons For An MRI
In addition to the common causes above, an MRI can help diagnose the cause of:
- Reduced range of motion
- Persistent pain after surgery
- Feeling that your knee is buckling or giving way
- Swollen and puffy knee that does not improve with RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation)
- Pain when twisting or bending
- Build up of fluid in the knee joint
- A popping sensation
Many knee issues get better on their own, but if you are still suffering after three weeks, see Southwest Diagnostic Imaging Center in Dallas, TX. An MRI may be able to diagnose the issue, and you can get appropriate treatment.
Schedule an MRI in Dallas, TX
Contact Southwest Diagnostic Imaging Center at (214) 345-6905 if you are having chronic or acute knee pain and think you need an MRI for a knee injury.