Employee of the Quarter for Imaging Services:

Meet our Employee of the Quarter for Imaging Services:

Joe helped us (sono) multiple times and stepped in at the last minute on some major projects that he was not even involved with. He is always extremely nice, cordial, calm, and willing to help in whatever way he can, even when we are a little crazy about our computer issues! He has also been able to come up with last minute, excellent suggestions, including coming over to fix a PC in the middle a conference call so GE could remote into the desktop, all while providing excellent last minute help on our Viewpoint project!

Here are some fun facts about him:

1) What department do you work in? Information Systems Department
2) How many years have you worked at SWDIC? 5 Years
3) What’s the most rewarding part of your job? Solving issues that I haven’t come across before
4) Cowboys, Rangers, or Mavericks? Cowboys
5) What’s #1 on your bucket list? Skydiving
6) What’s your favorite food? Shawarma7) What would you do if someone gave you $100 today? Buy the Fitbit Flex 2
8) What’s your favorite color? Blue
9) What are your hobbies? Painting
10) What is your favorite season of the year? Winter
11) Who is your favorite singer/band? A R Rahman
12) Where did you go to high school/college? MES School (Doha, Qatar)/University of Central Oklahoma

Notice of Temporary Closure

Due to inclement weather, we will be closed Thursday, January 9th, and Friday, January 10th. We will resume normal business hours on Saturday, January 11th.


