Employee of the Month / TECHNICAL DIVISION / April 2014

Julian Fernandez / Nurse – Julian has been a great asset to the SWDIC nursing staff for many years.  The patients he cares for adore the special treatment he gives them, often times going above and beyond to ensure a patient’s needs are addressed.  He has a positive attitude towards his co-workers as well as his patients.  He is loved by all because he truly cares.  On numerous occasions positive comments have been made about Julian in returned patient satisfaction surveys.

Here are some fun facts about Julian:

How many years have you worked at SWDIC?  10

What’s the most rewarding part of your job? Assisting patients

Cowboys, Rangers, or Mavericks? Rangers

What’s #1 on your bucket list? Go to Sweden

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Italy

What would you do if someone gave you $100 today? Buy concert ticket(s).

What is your favorite season of the year? spring

How many are in your family? 6

Who is your favorite singer/band? Elvis


