Category: PET

Top Diagnostic Imaging Tests to Use When Dealing with Cancer

Anyone who is having new or unusual symptoms often worries about the possibility of cancer as the cause. In these cases, the very best scenario is an early diagnosis, which is crucial to prevent the spread of cancerous cells and to increase the chances of success after treatment. To accomplish this, Southwest Diagnostic Imaging Center uses various imaging tests to both diagnose and monitor the patient during treatment.

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5 Heart PET Scan FAQs and Answers

Medical technology continues to improve with each passing day. Procedures and tests that were needed to discover medical problems have been replaced with more intricate nuclear imaging tests which can not only determine the diagnosis, but whether certain surgeries are needed at all. PET scans of the heart have become an invaluable tool for doctors, so here are 5 heart PET scan FAQs and answers should you need one.

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